Thursday, September 10, 2009


So it's 7:58pm on 9/10/09.

As 9/11/09 approaches, I am reminded of the horrors of that day and am realizing how important each and every day is, to make it the best day it can be.

I am reminded of how important it is to be self reliant and constantly aware that I make the day what it is.

I am reminded of how important my family is and how much I love them.

I am reminded of those families that lost on that day; a friend, a lover, a brother, a sister, a relative...and that 9/11 is a day to always put these people and the loved one's lost, in my prayers.

I am reminded of those steel beams making the sign of the cross amid the destruction.

I am reminded of my best friend who spent, along with the rest of his FDNY brothers, the subsequent months cleaning up the site, and attending funerals for the fallen…with empty caskets.

I am reminded of the importance of remembering this day and respecting it for what it was and is…a day that should be and always will be…remembered.

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