Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Long Island Real Estate Market: Crash

So has the sky really fallen on the Long Island real estate market?

I got news for you. If you're asking that question now, in September of 2009, you're in big trouble.

Just the other day I had a seller call my office and we had a very nice chat. To make a long story short, he asked me that question about the Long Island real estate market.

I of course was very nice and we ended up having a nice chat, but I felt like saying, "Does a bear sh*t in the woods"....and, "What rock did you just crawl out from under?"

Of course, I didn't want to offend him, so I took him through the process of learning about the market. I told him about my website, www.tommcgiveron.com and instructed him to visit it and read up on the Long Island real estate market.

I think he visited already. I had a ton of hits on it in the last day or so. He had to be one of them.


  1. Tom - Welcome to the blogosphere. Good luck with your postings. Keeping them consistent and relevant will be the challenge. I'll look forward to seeing how your Blog develops.

  2. Thanks a lot. I run several websites - mostly wordpress so I'm familiar with html and other stuff - basic. This blogspot I'm simply using as an experiment to broaden my writing and sharing skills. I use my main site as an informational site mainly. gets kind of boring and it's been a challenge to keep it up and going. My writing has suffered as a result - but I have people emailing me for the info updates so that's good. this blog will be simply me talking about day to day...stuff - thoughts...etc...

